Creative Painting Convention in Las Vegas Feb. 2019

This was my first time at the Convention and my first time in Vegas. All I did was paint, eat, and sleep. I didn’t have time to go to any shows or see any sights. I’ll save that for next time.

I had six oil painting classes, and I managed to bring all six wet canvases home in my suitcase using some wet canvas carriers made of lightweight wood. I had two 16x20 paintings and four 12x16. I took along some foam board to protect the backs and some masking tape to tape it all together. Even baggage handling at the airport didn’t damage them. If you want to know where to get these wet canvas carriers, let me know, and I’ll hook you up with my contact.

I painted “Out of the Mist” with Gini Deaton on Sunday evening, then on Monday I did an all-day with Robert Warren, painting “Red Hollyhocks,” Then on Tuesday, I had a wonderful time with Valerie Stewart, painting “Slumber Party.” Wednesday was another all-day with Robert Warren, where we painted “Sea of Serenity.” Thursday was a wonderful evening with Valerie Stewart again, this time painting “Glow of Innocence.” Needless to say, I was exhausted after those late nite classes!

I elected to stay for Robert Warren’s post-Convention two-day workshop where we painted “Christmas Lantern,” one of my favorite paintings of the entire convention. I have placed photos below of all six paintings, but they seem to be cropped, and I can’t fix that here. To see the full photos, click on “Paintings”.

Many thanks to all the fabulous instructors and organizers of the Convention. I really learned a lot that I can share with my students. On to the next adventure!!