Advanced Seascapes

Oh, I had a wonderful time painting with fellow CRI’s (Certified Ross Instructors) at the Bob Ross Gallery and Workshop in New Smyrna Beach, FL. this past November. Ellen Tye, one of Bob’s master instructors, led us in a week-long challenge, each day painting one of Ellen’s original designs done from her photographs. I had the pleasure of painting with her in November of 2016 as well as November of 2018. If you are a Bob Ross Certified Instructor, I would encourage you to converge with other like-minded CRI’s around mid-November each year and enjoy a week of some mighty fun paint slinging! Look for the email from Bob Ross, Inc. around late spring or early summer announcing the dates. If you’re interested, you better sign up immediately because the first class fills up within a few minutes of announcement, and the second week fills up in a few days. Just sayin’. But get your name on the list even if it is filled in case someone cancels. Happy Painting, y’all!